You were just awarded a new fast track project, but you are not sure you should sign the contract because you have five other jobs in the beginning or middle stages, and you do not have enough people available to take this job. You don’t want to decline it because the profit margin is good, but you need to hire three civil engineers, one mechanical engineer, one or two draftsmen, and one administrator/project coordinator within the next three to four weeks.
You know that you cannot hire that many people that quickly with your own team. You can work with a temp agency to see if they have suitable people available, but that comes with a 20% mark-up above normal rates. You can work with a specialized HR firm to try and find people, but there are no guarantees.
On top of that uncertainty this team of six or seven people will cost you $700,000 – $800,000+ for one year, plus benefits and perhaps recruiting fees, and you have request for tender on four other projects.
What if you could have a full-time, dedicated, remote team that works for you and you alone, and that you trained up on your processes and procedures, that uses your e-mail address and transfers documents on your own online file sharing platform and updates you’re A/R and A/P and scheduling on your own ERP system? What if that remote team can work on tender requests with your estimating team, and on live projects with your project managers and accountants? What if you could assemble that remote team in three to four weeks, and what if that remote team will cost you not more than $350,000 for seven people for one year, including modern office space and furniture and high-speed internet, without having to pay extra for benefits or for recruiting fees?
Imagine how you could expand your business if you had ready access to a large pool of qualified and specialized labor. How much more work could you take on? How much more money could you earn?
A provider of professional Managed Offshore Office and Staffing Solutions can get you started quickly and easily. The provider has the office space, access to the staff and provides general management and assistance with training.
To get started, you simply set up an Initial Client Meeting to learn about the range of services offered by the provider, while the provider listens to your (the Client’s) needs and requirements.
Then, if there seems to be a fit, the provider will schedule one or more 50-minute long Strategic Planning Meetings with you to discuss and review your business processes to determine how to best integrate the remote staff in with your existing workflows. You will also discuss other integration issues, communication protocols and any staff training issues.
You will then have a Contract Review when you will review the provider’s standard terms, and the providers will listen to any of the client’s special requests or concerns.
After that, the Contract is signed and the parties start to plan the onboarding procedures and start scheduling interviews. Then, the client will make its initial payment and the provider will activate the new staff.
The final step is the actual onboarding of the new staff and establishing communication and document transfer platforms and protocols. The parties will also review and resolve any remaining data security issues. The client will then meet its new staff, review work policies, methodologies, and expectations, and begin training and working with its new team!
Keep in mind that if you work with an provider whose remote staff is based in Asia, that your US staff can send assignments before heading home for the day, and the team in Asia will work while your US staff sleeps, which will give you a huge competitive advantage over your competition!